Discount Links of London moonshine

Because moonshine, by definition, is cooked up in Links of London Charms unlicensed still, what these folks are selling is technically just unaged corn whisky, the same stuff that goes into barrels and comes out as bourbon months later. But the business is booming: some 200 Links of London Dress Charm-scale distilleries have sprung up around the country--not only making whisky, but also turning honey into vodka and apples into applejack. Some copper suppliers say they can't keep up with the demand. Part of moonshine's new appeal is that it evokes an American ideal perfect for our antigovernment times: the bootlegger as the lone frontiersman, the rebel outlaw, the Marlboro Man. "Our timing couldn't be better," Stillhouse cofounder Brad Beckerman says. "It's irreverent; it's illicit. People like that. They want that edge." Stillhouse, which launched in September, spent $300,000 to trademark the phrase "original moonshine," though for some drinkers the most valuable phrase on the label is "gluten-Links of London Disc charm." To underscore the nostalgia factor, the company is putting out a limited-edition bottle that comes hidden in what looks like a pair of distressed books titled Freedom to Shine . Open the front cover and you'll find a 750ml bottle inside (retail price: $40), suitable for hiding on the most discriminating of bookshelves.An international team of scientists has developed a new technique to aid crops at risk from a devastating agricultural parasite commonly known as the 'honey fungus', one of the most serious diseases of trees and Links of London Dice Charm across the northern hemisphere. The development allows crop to be screened for natural resistance by adding DNA with fluorescent genes to the fungus before being planted out.

Par dolphin237 le mardi 21 décembre 2010


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